Directed by Adolfo Aldana and Reuf Dervic was born in the summer of 2004 the Campus of football and adventure that was held in the facilities of MPF in Marbella in the morning and in the “San José” School of Estepona in the afternoon.
The morning had three hours dedicated to improving the technique of the 105 children and young people who registered, and where they could learn by having close to the lessons and experiences of great idols of the football world, among which we mention Albert Luque, Fernando Sanz, Iván Leko, Valcarcel, Calderón, Kepa …
The afternoon session was dedicated to a multitude of activities of multi-adventure and alternative sports that were programmed by the Organization.
But not only improving the technique was the objective of this campus, improving aspects related to health and food, supplemented with fun and coexistence, were other priority objectives of those responsible.